At the beginning of the philosophy and thus the Good Life stands Dangerous curiosity

Don't be curious. This is the moral of the story of Harriet and the matches. Women in particular have been accused of this dangerous and evil curiosity.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

At the beginning of the philosophy and thus the Good Life stands Dangerous Curiosity. There is only one curiosity that we are warned about. And although according to the Jewish myth it is responsible for our expulsion from paradise, most people can’t let go of it.1The cover image comes from a famous story designed to make children afraid of curiosity:

Play God? It is allowed!

Socrates became a philosopher when the oracle prophesied that he would be the wisest of all men. He wondered then. But not thus, as many philosophers recite with a quivering voice in the introductory course of philosophy:

“Wonder belongs to the philosopher’s nature, and philosophy originates from wonder only”

Socrates did not marvel in awe. And did not tell bullshit, like later Kant, who, completely misunderstanding Socrates, announced that the starry sky would fill us with awe.

Rather, he was confused. And then came to the conclusion that the oracle considered him wise precisely because he does not claim to know anything for certain, but is simply curious. Thus, for Socrates, curiosity is the beginning of all philosophy and thus of the Good Life.

I see no reason at all why we should follow the Pauline Christians from Augustine to Thomas to today’s luddites who want to label every experiment, every technical advance “playing God” and forbid us accordingly. Curiosity is not a sin. We are allowed to play God. Sure, curiosity is dangerous. But therefore not evil. There is only one curiosity that God has warned us about:

You shall not judge, lest you be judged.

We were not supposed to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Our curiosity was greater, so the consequence occurred: we lost our innocence, our naive knowledge that we live forever, we became addicted to distinguishing everything by good and evil. Work is now evil, so we have to be forced to do it. The woman seduces us, she is evil. Obeying is evil, commanding is evil, might is evil. The fascists are evil, the socialists are evil, the rich are evil, the poor are lazy (so also evil). Finally, with Kant, the whole world is an evil place of darkness, all natural affection is evil. Good is the rule of moral law alone, that is, the distinction between good and evil. And since the Lisbon earthquake, which today, November 1, took away many God-fearing Portuguese, even God is evil, because death is evil. And, of course, curiosity is dangerous and evil. Therefore, with Schopenhauer, it would be better not to be born at all. And there is only one decent feeling: pity. This is the hell we have brought on ourselves and from which we do not want to get out.

We anarchists are exactly the people our parents always warned us about

Worst of all, however, are we anarchists, we Spontis, who trust our Self and simply want to realize our nature. We are always curious about the infinity we find in our Self. And we are curious about what people with other opinions want to tell and show us. We allow freedom of expression, not for moral reasons, but out of curiosity. Because curiosity is the beginning of all philosophy and the way to a good life. And we show ourselves. Shamelessly. Your crazy values we turn upside down. For they are the fruits of your evil seeking.

  • 1
    The cover image comes from a famous story designed to make children afraid of curiosity: