Nietzsche caricature

Blessed is the one who takes no offense at me

In order to understand this sentence of Jesus, (but which could also have been written by Nietzsche) it is first necessary to detach oneself, at least for a moment, from the idea that Jesus was the God that Paul constructed from him, but to imagine…
Antigone. She provoked with a small gesture that led to the destruction of the kingdom

But you’re kind of provoking that, aren’t you?

"Aber irgendwie legst du es auch darauf an". This phrase has been hitting me regularly for over 40 years and each time it hits like a 9 millimeter bullet almost to the heart. Not fatal but painful. They fired you? There's a hatestorm going on…
Edvar Munch: The scream -- Cynics fear no hubris no sin.

Cynics fear no sin no hubris

Paul taught the fear to do, suffer or tolerate evil. This fear is still the basis of all rulership today. Without this fear there would be no racism, no states, no patriarchy. Cynics fear no sin no hubris. Embrace every opportunity of power that comes…
person with carton with inscription love should not hurt

The romantic search for truth

For Cynics, as for Romantics, especially Novalis, truth is to be found just as much in the infinite universe as in our infinite interior. In his incomplete novel, "The Disciples at Sais" he shows different ways to approach the truth of our nature. The cynical…
Do cynics simply follow their desire?

Do cynics simply follow their desire?

If that were true, then we would be hedonists. But Epicurus' hedonism was the countermovement to eudaimonic ethics in ancient Greece. Not eudaemonia, but desire would be the greatest goal of cynics. The devil is in the details The devil - and I mean this…
The Sabine women, stolen by the Romans, settled the dispute between their fathers and the Romans

Heraclitus: Daring more war

Heraclitus is considered to be the first philosopher of the West at all. And even ancient Cynics regarded him as the first of theirs. Rightly so, as I shall show. Heraclitus sharply condemned Homer's pacifism, he demands that he should be expelled and beaten up.…
"Before you assist others, always put your oxygen mask on first."

“Before You Help Others, You Must First Help Yourself”

I come from a generation in which air travel was a luxury. On my first flight in a real commercial aircraft, I was already almost 40 years old. I was a little scared. When the stewardess explained the rules for emergencies, I listened attentively. Then…
jumping people in ecstatic

How to make death your best friend

This is the second part, which deals with the beautiful death. In the first part I showed that Epicurus, as often as he is quoted with his famous statement that death is none of our business, in truth does not free us from the fear…
Dying Every Day

Dying Every Day

Death is none of our business? -- You bet it is! Epicur wants us to do exactly what most people try to do anyway: not to think about death. It wouldn't really be any of our business. Cynics follow the exact opposite path. We want…