The ingenious Ulysses had himself tied to the ship's mast. So he can safely indulge in the sounds of the sirens, while his companions had to close their ears with wax. That too is Virtue as joy of resistance

Virtue: Joy of resistance

When most people think of virtue, the think -- with Kant -- of a burdensome duty. But the true cynic virtue is joy, the joy of resistance. In the beginning are the objects. They give us pleasure and resist us at the same time. The…
The flag of ancaps. “Anarcho-Capitalism”, which emerged from right-wing U.S. libertarianism, has little to do with anarchy and much to do with socialism. The ideology of Aanarcho-Capitalism is the current culmination of Christian slave morality. It is based, as many ancaps use as a slogan, on “the only human right: the right to be left alone.” It is a kind of religion, a highly moral totalitarian sectarian movement.. Anarcho-capitalism is a socialist state utopia. In the following article you will learn the most important arguments for this claim.

Anarcho-capitalism is a socialist state utopia

Anarchy is not a matter of the future, it is a matter of the present. It is not a matter of making demands; it is a matter of how one lives. [Gustav Landauer] "Anarcho-Capitalism", which emerged from right-wing U.S. libertarianism, has little to do with…
Masacio The expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. It happened because we could distinguish between good and evil. And were ashamed. Wouldn't it make sense to try to get rid of shame?

Get Rid Of Shame

There is no such thing as natural shame. According to the Bible, it was the "forbidden fruit" that we would not let go of. But a more obvious interpretation is: we wanted to find the evil in the world. Rather than keep refining modern ethics…
Christmas Eve service. Hypocrisy, kitsch, rainbow and trallalla

The Danger of Self-Betrayal

Self-realization is not a luxury. And not a distant goal for vacation or retired life. Do not underestimate the danger of self-betrayal, like most people do. Every little hiding of your self, every pretense, every visit to a dead church, every admiration of a work…
The jewish anarchist Paul Goodman, challenges us beeing a dissident.

Drawing The line once again

Finally I found the original text of Paul Goodman, which I knew so far only in German translation. ("Prüfstein für das anarchistische Programm"). It comes not! from the May pamphlet published in 1946. But from "Why", June 1946. And was reprinted in "Drawing the line…
Japanese bow. Devotion is an expression of power

Devotion is an expression of Power

Who has more obedience than I masters me [Emerson] Exercising power is violence against the weaker? That's what most people think. But also Devotion, also obedience is an expression of power. Only those who can joyfully surrender to the power of another can also uninhibitedly…
Nietzsche from whom the sentence comes "You go to the woman, do not forget the whip" lets himself be harnessed here by a woman in front of a carriage. The woman with the whip in her hand. With this picture Nietzsche says more about himself, than with 1000 words. He shows HIS will to might, here PASSIVELY. The picture was a scandal! Nietzsche has been a dissident

Beeing a dissident

Paul Goodman challenges us beeing a dissident. He died on August 2, exactly 50 years ago. Who thinks of him? I do. But that is not what matters. Self-realization is the only virtue of cynics. But being a dissident, the revaluation of all values, necessarily…
As soon as I accept power, there are powerful and less powerful. Cynical anarchism does not fight authority and hierarchy, but affirms it.

Cynicism is Authoritarian Anarchy

Anarchy often stands for anti-authoritarian ideas and rejection of hierarchy. But consider for yourself: the rejection of authority and hierarchy is Christian slave morality, is the rejection of power. The empowerment of cynical anarchism stands for the opposite. Cynicism is not anti-authoritarian, cynicism is authoritarian…
Adam Smith, moral theologian. The Invisible Hand regulates not only the economy, but also our resistance

The Invisible Hand of Cynic Resistance

Ancient cynism is the mother of anarchy. It initially had a strong influence in Europe for almost 1000 years. Then it was pushed back by Pauline Christianity and with it the increasing belief in the state. With Erasmus of Rotterdam as Luther's opponent, then with…